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I spent 16 years searching for answers, I created this program so you don't have to do the same. Watch this short video for more info on my Mold Detox Program

Watch this video to the end.  Then go back to our chat and let me know if you're IN, out or have any questions

Is Mold the missing link in your health journey?

Common mistakes that keep people sick and spending years searching for answers:


  1. ​Not working with a mold literate practitioner.  Mold detox is a complex process that needs to be done in the correct order and requires the right steps and process to be successful.  Not every naturopath or functional practitioner understands how to effectively address mold in the body to help balance the body to calm down symptoms. 

  2. Thinking they can address it on their own.  I've seen so many attempt a mold detox on their own, but continue to suffer for years, as they were missing crucial pieces to the puzzle.   Mold is a survivor and fighter, that's why you need to have a "mold fighter" in your corner with you to guide you and create a personalized protocol that will get you the results you seek. 

OR, if you are serious about 'Getting Free From Mold' once and for all, book in a free strategy call with me to discuss how we can get you started on your personalized detox protocol and on your way to health. 

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