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Writer's pictureDanielle Wollmann, RHN

Healthy Avocado Oil Mayo

Updated: Jan 4, 2018

This mayo recipe is SO easy, full of healthy omega's and delicious !

Most brands of store bought Mayo are made out of canola oil. Therefore it's important for me to make my own using healthier, omega rich oils. What's wrong with canola oil you might ask? Canola oil is a genetically modified product and is cheap to produce, you will find this oil in almost all processed foods. Canola oil is also highly refined and in most cases has been partially hydrogenated to ensure stability on the shelf and during processing. It has been linked to cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney problems and the imbalance of the necessary ratio of omega 6 to omega 3's, which makes it an oil that is very inflammatory. It is important to avoid this oil whenever possible.

"Canola oil is a genetically modified product and is cheap to produce, you will find this oil in almost all processed foods. Canola oil is also highly refined and in most cases has been partially hydrogenated to ensure stability on the shelf and during processing. It is important to avoid this oil whenever possible"

Making your own Mayo ensures you are including more heart healthy essential fatty acids in your diet and avoiding the nasty chemcicals that are found in canola oil.

When I first starting making my own mayo, I started by using olive oil, since it is such a healthy oil and a great source of omega -3 fatty acids. But I quickly found that Olive oil has too strong of a flavour for mayo and is far to delicate to be mixed at high speeds to emuslisy the oils. This makes olive oil quite bitter and the end product not very enjoyable.

In comes avocado oil. Avocado oil has such a mild flavour and holds up well to the mixing process, the mayo turns out so lovely and delicious.

Avocado oil has so many health benefits including helping to reduce inflammation, preventing heart disease, and can prevent free radical damage in the body.

In order to make a successful mayo, it is important to emulsify the oil into the egg yolk mixture. Either a wide mouth jar or a small pyrex measuring glass are perfect for sticking the emersion blender into while slowly pouring the oil into the egg yolk and lemon mixture. I personally prefer to use an emersion blender, but any blender or food processor will work.

This mayo will keep in the fridge for about a week. We use it for sandwiches, but mostly for a base for salad dressings and veggie dips. It's so popular, it never lasts long!

This recipe only takes about 5 minutes to whip together , but I feel so accomplished and fancy when I'm done!


2 eggs yolks ( at room temperature)

1 tsp. lemon juice

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1/4 tsp sea salt or pink Himalayan salt

1/2 tsp dijon mustard

1 cup avocado oil


1. Mix together egg yolks, lemon juice, vinegar, salt and mustard in a 2 cup pyrex measuring bowl or wide mouth mason jar.

2. Blend together with an immersion blender for 30 secs.

3. While keeping the blender at the bottom of the bowl, slowly pour in the oil while lifting the blender up and down to full emulsify the oil into mayo.

4. When you are done mixing, the mayo should be nice and thick.

recipe notes: It is important that the eggs be brought to room temperature before mixing to ensure proper consistency .

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Luana Flacco
Luana Flacco
Dec 31, 2021

I always come back to this recipe and it works. I have used others and end up with too liquidy. Maybe because the whites are not separated out. Not sure.

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